Support the Legally Blind

William and Chandra are supporters of the legally blind to establish and independent status in society.  William first met a group in Temple, Texas that was a support group for the legally blind.  In 1999, William was invited to teach blind students at Criss Cole school for the blind classes in Jiu-jitsu to reach out to the blind community.  In 2012, P.E. counselor Kristine Seljenes asked Vandry to teach at her yearly Camp challenge event each summer for blind students. William has sponsored blind students since 1999 to learn Jiujitsu. Chandra and William also taught from 2012-15 their summer camps at the Texas School of the Blind, and gave a $1100 donation to the TSBVI to sponsor blind students. The Vandy’s also spoke to blind students at the TSBVI Blind Career fairs. William and Chandra have also spoke to Blind Veterans Association groups.

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